Tuesday, December 8, 2009

High Heel Shoes in Women's Fashion

The addiction to shoes with high heels will never fall. Love women wear high heels. It gives them a lot of confidence and they feel comfortable. Men also love women see you on the heels. The image of a woman with heels and swaying hips when walking is a sight to watch the love the people.

It adds also to the ego of a woman to be admired as visible from the men. The love of shoes with high heels can a woman a fortune on designer clothes. Her love for these shoes hasmade more and more manufacturers to invent innovative styles to meet the current trends. You can see different colors and different types of high heels on the market.

History Of High Heels:

The history of shoes dating from the 17th Century. It was initially contribute as a tool of the Egyptian butcher to the blood spurted out on foot using the animals after they kill. It has also cavalry, with which they help slipping while driving. But the modern high heel shoes camein fashion, when Catherine de 'Medici, the short little woman of the Duke of Orleans, wanted to improve their standing. She wanted to add a few more inches to their height to be able to. But she has the ball rolling and more and more women have been the need to greater falls in love. This was announced by the trend to wear shoes with high heels.

The decline of the Heel:

The High Heels lost their popularity during the time of the French Revolution in the 1700 `s. It came into fashion a century laterand remained in contention until the early twentieth century. It was from the flat soles, the fashion world for some years passed after that dominates. The high heels were then returned with a bang as the Louis heel. And the heels are also an important part of women `s fashion today. Today, the clothing is designed and is also fit to wear shoes with high heels.

The current trend:

In the middle of 1900, the stilettos came intoFashion. They were designed to act like the dagger looks and were very popular among women. With the spread of high heels in all areas, the women wear them anywhere. They can be worn outside, to take the party and also for the office. The design of the shoes will change accordingly. The heights vary from form to only 2 inches high on a whopping 8 centimeters. The varieties are platform shoes, wedge, stacked heel and spool heels.

Places where youHeels can take:

In recent days, could be worn heels parties only. But with the passage of time are high-heeled shoes are now worn to the office and also for standard work like doing the grocery. The style icons of today are role models by focusing on innovative types of high heels to wear later in life, are taken up by the people. You can even bet on the heels decorated with a lot of painting and sculpture. But these shoes are now worn on every occasion.

Do highHeels, you feel great?

Due to the fact that women are more seductive and sexy look, they love to show off their high heels. Heels not only add height, but also the legs look very attractive. The whole essence of the woman is transformed when they walk through a pair of high heels. She looks very sophisticated. Thus, high-heeled shoes is certainly a new dimension to the personality of every woman.

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